
I offer Reiki as a stand-alone treatment, but more usually in combination with other therapies.


Reiki is a Japanese healing art that was developed by Dr Usui in Japan in the early 20th century. It is pronounced ray-key. You might also hear it called Reiki energy, Usui system of Reiki and therapeutic touch. The Japanese word Reiki means universal energy. Eastern medicine systems work with this energy, which flows through all living things and is vital to wellbeing. The energy is known as ‘Ki’ in Japan, ‘Chi’ in China and ‘Prana’ in India. Reiki isn’t part of any type of religion or belief system, it is a form of hands-on healing.

Reiki, as a treatment, is the practice of channelling universal healing energy from the Reiki practitioner to the client so they can transition from a state of disharmony (whether in body, mind, emotion or energy) to a state of balance and harmony.

This treatment can take place online as a distance healing, or in person.

In person: You will lie on a therapy bed, or you can sit in a chair if that is more comfortable I might dim the lights or play soothing music, then put my hands on, or a few inches above your body. I move my hands across your body, usually starting at your head and working down to your feet but I may focus on particular areas of the body.

Distance Treatments on Zoom: You can lie on your own bed/sofa or sit in a comfortable chair, covered with a blanket. You should be somewhere quiet and restful and plan not to be disturbed for the whole treatment time and for a little while after. You will need a good, stable internet connection and reasonable speakers – I use a high quality professional mic and I recommend that you use headphones to get the best sound. You will also need to download the free Zoom app on your device (and practice using it with a friend to get familiar with how to join, turn your camera on and off, and how to mute/unmute your microphone). I will lay out a crystal grid on a table to represent your body and then proceed as though you were in the room with me. See Reviews and Feedback page to read the lovely feedback from my clients across the UK and the world who regularly have treatments on Zoom.

LEGAL STATEMENT – A Sound Healer / Reflexology Practitioner / Reiki Practitioner / Aromatherapy -Essential Oils Practitioner is not a doctor [or vet in the case of animal clients] and therefore will not diagnose or treat any specific Illness. These services are not substitutes for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from a doctor or health care professional [or vet in the case of animal clients]. They are designed to enhance wellness and should be used in conjunction with your traditional medical [or veterinary] care. As these are complementary therapies, we make no claims that they are a cure. Any prescribed medication should continue to be taken unless advised otherwise by a medical practitioner [or vet in the case of animal clients]. If you or your animal have any health concerns, you should seek medical/veterinary help.