

Reflexology is a technique that applies gentle pressure to your feet, hands, face or ears. It aims to bring about a state of relaxation and help the body’s own healing process.

Reflexology works in a similar way to acupressure and acupuncture with meridian points on the feet, hands, face and ears which correspond to the organs and glands in the body. By pressing and massaging these points it can stimulate energy pathways in the body.

If any energy pathways are blocked reflexology aims to unblock them, allowing the energy to flow freely again, which helps restore balance to the body. Essential oils are also included in all reflexology treatments.

Make sure you are well hydrated. Take it easy and make time to relax after your treatment.

Depending on the length of session you have booked, I can combine multiple treatment.


This treatment can help with sciatica and other issues where cranial nerves are a root cause such as: eye disorders, tinitus (nerve related, not mechanical), vertigo, balance issues, loss of smell, loss of taste, facial paralysis such as Bell’s Palsy, neck and shoulder muscular tension, and not least the Vagus Nerve which controls our breathing, heart rate and digestive processes and more.

Make sure you are well hydrated. Take it easy and make time to relax after your treatment.

Depending on the length of session you have booked, I can combine multiple treatment.


An energy therapy to support you (the healer of yourself) to address blocks and come into balance using reflex points on the foot, hand or spine.
It supports you to release negative thoughts, attitudes and anxieties and come into the present moment.
A deeply relaxing and transformational treatment if you allow yourself to ‘let go’.

Make sure you are well hydrated. Take it easy and make time to relax after your treatment.

Depending on the length of session you have booked, I can combine multiple treatment.

LEGAL STATEMENT – A Sound Healer / Reflexology Practitioner / Reiki Practitioner / Aromatherapy -Essential Oils Practitioner is not a doctor [or vet in the case of animal clients] and therefore will not diagnose or treat any specific Illness. These services are not substitutes for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from a doctor or health care professional [or vet in the case of animal clients]. They are designed to enhance wellness and should be used in conjunction with your traditional medical [or veterinary] care. As these are complementary therapies, we make no claims that they are a cure. Any prescribed medication should continue to be taken unless advised otherwise by a medical practitioner [or vet in the case of animal clients]. If you or your animal have any health concerns, you should seek medical/veterinary help.